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Personal Development

Occupational Therapy

Chloe Henderson is an Occupational Therapist working in Stone Bay. She is currently at Stone Bay one day a week.

Chloe qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2005, since then she has worked in a variety of settings within both the private and public sectors with both children and adults. These different experiences have given Chloe a wide knowledge base to develop her skills as a holistic client centred practitioner.

As an OT Chloe works to promote, maintain, and develop the skills needed by pupils to be independent in a school, home, community setting and beyond.  Focusing on 3 main areas:

  • self-care including washing, dressing, feeding and toileting needs
  • productivity including participation, hand writing and organisational skills
  • leisure including socialising, play, hobbies and gross / fine motor skills

In addition, every child will have a unique set of sensory needs and these needs will alter depending on mood, environment and therapeutic intervention. 

At Stone Bay Chloe will be observing children within their learning environments, giving advice and recommendations to staff on independence skills and developing the motor skills to promote this within a wide range of different activities.

Within Occupational Therapy we wish to promote independence within functional activities however, the individual sensory processing differences need to be considered. This is beneficial to remove barriers to learning and help the students become calmer and more focused to enable them to maximise their individual educational potential.

Find Us

70 Stone Road,
Broadstairs, Kent
CT10 1EB

01843 863 421