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Pupil Progress

Stone Bay education leadership team monitor and moderate the quality of teaching and learning through learning walks, lesson observations, pupil work monitoring and termly pupil progress meetings. Pupils’ core need of communication and interaction is also closely monitored by teachers and leaders through pupils’ personalised learning intentions as well as PECS trackers.

All pupils at Stone Bay are typically working well below the expected national standard for their age. No pupil at Stone Bay is working ‘above’, ‘working towards’ or ‘working at’ the expected standard for maths, reading or writing.


All pupil progress is carefully monitored with updates 3 times a year. Pupil progress meetings are conducted and moderated by the education leadership team and the class teachers. Termly progress reports are shared with the leadership team and Governors.

Teachers meet with parents 3 times a year to agree individual pupils' learning intentions, as part of parent consultation meetings and annual EHCP reviews.


Pupil premium is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other pupils. 51.4 % of pupils at Stone Bay currently receive Pupil Premium funding.

We use Pupil Premium funding to close the gap in attainment. Please see our Pupil Premium strategy and Impact Statement on our website.


Achievement + Progress

We recognise that our pupils all have very different needs and that they learn in different ways and at different rates. We will therefore implement a personalised approach to target setting and end of year expectations and as such there will be no standard measure of expected progress, nor will we have any comparative data.

We use our own internal assessment system to assess the progress our pupils make We assess in the following areas;

  • EHCP Provision Plan Outcomes- Cognition and Learning,Communication and Interaction,Social,Emotional and Mental Health,Physical and Sensory. Linked to Stone Bay school curriculum areas.
  • Asdan Accreditation
  • AQA Accreditation
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Arts Award


We will continue to have ambitious expectations of each individual pupil and progress will be monitored in-year at pupil progress meetings.

The analysis of assessment information from the above areas will enable teachers and school leaders to demonstrate the impact of the school’s curriculum over time.


Evidence Me  


Under the 2019 OFSTED framework, we are no longer required to produce quantitative progress data. Instead, we are required to provide real evidence of the progress that our pupils have made.

Evidence Me is an app, which enables us to capture photographic, video and observational evidence and link it to a range of frameworks – such as the pupils' Individual Learning Intentions. It allows teachers to capture and make judgments about lateral progress, as well as linear progress. Evidence stored on the app can be used to create Learning Reports, which “tell the story” of progress of an individual pupil. Learning reports are shared with parents at the end of the school year.



 Kent Special Schools Principles of assessment


  1. Assessment is at the heart of teaching and learning

At Stone Bay School this means that we will use the principles of assessment for learning to enable students to know what they have achieved, and where appropriate, to talk about what they feel they have achieved and what they hope to achieve next. Assessment for Learning will be used to plan the next steps of learning for each individual pupil.


  1. Analysis of assessment information will improve the quality of teaching

At Stone Bay School this means that pupil progress will be recorded and analysed on a regular basis. Teachers will meet three times per year with the Senior Leadership Team to have a professional discussion about rates of progress and how to improve them further. All teachers and support staff will know which pupils are making good progress and which are making less than good progress so that appropriate support can be planned.


  1. Assessment will be accurate, consistent, reliable, free from bias, understood by all and increase parental confidence

At Stone Bay School this means that teaching staff will be trained to assess progress accurately and support will be offered where necessary.  Work will be moderated on a regular basis within the school. We will report to parents about pupils' progress three times a year.


  1. Assessment will draw a wide range of evidence to provide a complete picture of student achievement over time

At Stone Bay School this means that a combination of written evidence, photographic evidence, video evidence and staff observations will be used to inform the assessment process.


  1. Assessment will be used to set high expectations for all students, to celebrate achievement and to inform the next steps for students, their families and teachers

At Stone Bay School this means that planning will reflect high expectations within the learning intentions and an indication of the type and level of support needed for individual pupils. The learning intentions and success criteria will be conveyed appropriately to pupils so that they are involved in their own learning journey


  1. The reliability of teacher assessment will be achieved through rigorous moderation

At Stone Bay School this means work will be moderated on a regular basis within the school, with our local special school partners and across the Ksent schools countywide.

2021 - 2022

2022 - 2023


Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Find Us

70 Stone Road,
Broadstairs, Kent
CT10 1EB

01843 863 421