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Quality of Education

Our Curriculum

We are currently reviewing and redeveloping our curriculum - keep visiting this page to see our latest updates! 

At Stone Bay School, our Curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of all of our pupils with their individual needs.

The Intent of our curriculum is to:

  • Provide holistic learning experiences which are personalised to meet the unique needs of our pupils
  • Provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum focussing on functionality
  • Enable pupils to be effective communicators
  • Use pupils' interests and talents to provide exciting, motivating and engaging learning experiences
  • Develop pupil voice
  • Encourage all pupils to meet their full potential
  • Build on pupils existing knowledge, skills and understanding
  • Build on British Values and the rights of the child (We are a UNICEF Rights Respecting School)
  • Develop confidence, high self-esteem and independence
  • Develop a respect for other people and the environment
  • Prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in life beyond Stone Bay school.






For more detailed information, please download a copy of our curriculum booklet.





Find Us

70 Stone Road,
Broadstairs, Kent
CT10 1EB

01843 863 421